Tuesday 26 January 2016

Chido's musings

Five-year-old  poet and short-story writer Chido Sowa
My friend Mary has the most adorable daughter ever! Her name is Chido, five years old, and she fancies herself a writer and poetJ. I’m keeping my ears to the ground she will bring us a Pulitzer Prize one day.  Here is some of her work, with very minimal editing to preserve the aesthetic quality of Chido's musings.

A poem about queens
Queens are royal because they have crowns and money
Like Queen Boudicca, Queen Elizabeth and all queens in the world
My mummy is the queen of the house and I am the princiss

A poem about planets
There are nine planets
Their names are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Those are the planets
Some are bad for you.
You can’t breathe and some you can
Some are dark and have moons
The best of all is Earth
I love Earth
All the planets lit my earthly sky in winter
I love doing poems

A poem about my family
My family is nice
When I have a mess they help me.
When I need them to help me with something that’s hard
They help me

Cut your paper
Make a rose
Make and blow
Make sure it fly like a kite
Put a hole for the ribbon
And it fly all around the place and world
To the top of the cloud
Like a boat
Floating around the world

 Let's see who manages to make sense of the story below :). I did!

A Story about Charlie the Chick

Once upon a time where was a chick called Chalie one day he went out on the farm he said this “maybe I should go for a walk then when mummy Hen wake 123456 where is Charlie. “oh I have to find  Charlie maybe  Mr Fox ate him he is trap maybe I ask Mrs donkey kid stay here and off she went Mrs donkey “have you seen Charlie yes where is he in that  party over there thank you but there come Mr fox he going to eat there there’s a trap that let him step on it it to late let do another trap yeah it worked come on Charlie OK mum don’t do that Charlie OK but I wanted a walk but you have to tell me OK I won’t do it again a were are you going for a walk no OK mum thank you


  1. I actually did “cut a paper” XD

  2. Wow, this is very impressive, she must be about 9 now but I hope still has her poetic talent that we all saw a couple years ago!

  3. OMG chido this might be a shock but I am stading next to the ten year old version of you right now
