Friday 17 April 2015

Deep Blue Sea : Westbrook Beach

Last weekend I visited Durban for the first time and had a really lovely time. Being originally from Zimbabwe, I had never had experience with the sea. Then we moved to Johannesburg, which is also inland. The first time I saw the sea was at Heralds Day in George. It was surreal. Water is beautiful to watch whether it’s a waterfall or fast flowing river, but the sea is just majestic and breathtaking. On Sunday I liked feeling the pressure of frothy silky water on my naked feet, and the tickling sensation that came with soil being sucked from beneath them as the water retreated to the sea at Westbrook Beach. Here are some pictures I took. They were all from the same area, but obviously do not all look alike. Those who live close to the sea will not see what the hype is all about, but sue me for being excited – it’s not everyday that I get to see such dazzling beauty, even though I don’t ever want to be on a cruise. It would make me feel vulnerable to be all surrounded by water. Remember the Titanic guys. Remember the Titanic!!

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