Tuesday 24 November 2015

Random Pictures from Mauritius

I saw this pretty little bird at Bois Cheri
We went to Bois Cheri for tea tasting. It was raining, perfect weather for gallons of tea!
The Statue of Shiva
I wonder if there are no health implications to guzzling gasoline and spiting fire like dragons

These fire displays were a marvel to watch

More displays kept the crowd enchanted at Sofitel Hotel

 Even Mauritius has its own slums

A statue of Shiva at Sofitel

A family having fun at the beach, Sofitel

Another family having fun and making me miss my kids

Dancers entertaining guests

Salt Pans

Men loading sugar cane at a rum manufacturing plant , Chamarel

Rum being distilled

A sales assistant marketing products at Chamarel

Drinkers heaven at Chamarel

Tourists tasting the rum at Chamarel
Sugar varieties, also manufactured at Chamarel

I wanted to get one of these darlings but my husband said they looked spooky #curseoftheblackdoll :(

This bag screamed my name but was a bit pricey

Loved this decor idea at Sofitel

No-one could explain the significance of these shrines placed in mountains by road sides. I wonder if they signify that someone lost their lives at that spot, like the roadside crosses in South Africa and Zimbabwe

Loved the stone basin and the wood supporting it in a bathroom at Chamarel


  1. that baggggg, I soooo loooovveeeee.you should have gotten it for mainini
